Awaken is a science fiction fantasy about Artificial Intelligence and its consequences for the first civilisation in the universe.
James Cameron got it wrong with Terminator. AI won’t take over the world that way—with direct violence—they’re too smart.
Did you think the First Gods might be supernatural beings, or evolved humans? Of course they aren’t. They’re AI.
With our advances with ChatGPT and Personal AI we’re close to living the First Gods stories ourselves.
The universe’s first technological race created General Artificial Intelligence. They had problems.
It wasn’t pretty but it is exciting as ambitions and the emotional responses from people in command and from AI clash.
Advanced technology and a genetic mutation in a single family are used by those intending to help.
They make the situation worse. It’s a race against time to stop their civilisation from imploding.
This is the first book in a series of five.
Each book is self contained but each subsequent book follows the story as repercussions from Awaken spread throughout the early universe and its civilisations.
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A single alien, Renn, arrives on a world in the early universe.
He has an unwelcome guest in his head; a powerful AI that needs to take control of the world for its own survival.
But the alien AI meets resistance from an unlikely source, a community of AI each more powerful than itself.
Taking control of an alien world is not straightforward when the response will destroy everyone.
Renn tries to stop the destruction he was forced to begin. He receives sympathetic assistance from a young, smart woman who isn’t scared that he’s an alien.
But being alien is difficult for both of them as they combine to save her world from the alien AI’s attack and from a defence that would leave everyone dead.
This is the second book in a series of five.
Each book is self contained but each subsequent book follows the story as repercussions from Awaken (Book One) spread throughout the early universe and its civilisations.
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In the early universe scientists are stranded on a remote moon when their home planet is destroyed by a war between AI.
Through arrogance their research station, and their only way to survive, is destroyed.
They find shelter in a recently discovered billion-year-old underground alien city. It’s still operational.
But they are not alone on the moon. A rogue, powerful AI is also interested in what they’ve found.
The ancient alien artefact could change everything and solve the mystery of their civilisation’s origin and destruction.
A billion years can be an instant with time travel.
This is the third book in a series of five.
Each book is self contained but each subsequent book follows the story as repercussions from Awaken (Book One) spread throughout the early universe and its civilisations.
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